Retreats at DSMC
Do's and Don'ts
Daily Schedule - Please be on time for all morning sittings, meals, and Dhamma talks.
(You can print this out)
5:30 am - Wake up -We ring bell and you have alarm clock
6:00 am - Taking Refuges and Precepts - Sitting & walking
7:00 am - Breakfast -Bell
7:40 am - Work period
8:00 am - Sitting and walking meditation to Lunch
10:00am - Interviews start
11:30 pm - Lunch - Bell
12:30 pm - Rest
1:00pm - Interviews start
1:30 pm - Sitting and walking meditation
5:30 pm - Tea time
6:00 pm - Dhamma talk and discussion
8:00 pm - Sitting and walking meditation
10:00 pm - Bedtime
General points
Please keep your 8 precepts strictly while you are on retreat. We say them daily in the morning.
Inform your family, before you arrive, that the standard procedure for a retreat is that you will be out of touch for the period of the retreat. If there is an emergency, your family may contact David Johnson at cell 573-604-1481 or Kirsten at cell 573-604-4279. Our retreat support staff will alert you if you are needed.
Of course, there are no drugs or alcohol allowed.
Please, let us know if you are using antidepressants or other prescriptions on your paperwork.
Smoking is allowed only outside. (Many people have given up smoking in just one 10 day retreat!)
No reading unless the book is assigned or given to you. No taking books off shelves in the library or dining hall and looking at them if you are on retreat. The teacher will give you all the instruction you need in the Dhamma talks.
Be quiet and do not talk unless it is a necessary communication. No Chatting with other meditators. Please allow everyone the chance to do a silent retreat.
Should you become aware of another meditator having any sort of problem, and for whatever reason not making our staff aware of it, please do bring it to our attention. If you see anything out of the ordinary, please don’t assume it will just solve itself. We have a nearby clinic and hospital for immediate medical attention, should the need arise.
Dining Hall -Do's and don'ts
Bells will be rung for the Breakfast and for the Noonday meals. Please be on time.
Be quiet and do not talk, unless it is necessary, for example "please pass the salt".
At the noon-day meal a general blessing is performed. Please come to the buffet and place both hands on the counter to join us while he chants the blessing.
Monks and Nuns go first in line to be served food at both meals. Not all monastics attend the morning meal so no need to wait unless they are there.
After breakfast please stay to be assigned your morning task for a short work period of 30-60 minutes long. Never work more than 1 hour on any assigned task. Bring your meditation to your job with a smile and remember that “Meditation is life, Life is Meditation”. It isn’t qty done but the quality of your mind and using the 6Rs doing the tasks.
After each meal we ask that you to please help us by washing your dishes in the kitchen.
Tea is placed out and only available at Tea time. Wash your cups after tea in the kitchen.
The kitchen is off limits other than at the meal times. The refrigerator, and any additional food, is off limits. Please do not go into the kitchen and help yourself to the refrigerator without asking or getting pre-approval. Do not cook anything outside of the meal time without consulting the cook or retreat manager first. If you are having difficulties with the amount or type of food, please talk to the retreat manager. If you have medical needs concerning food, please alert us and we'll make sure they are met.
Your Cabin
Please keep your beds made and your cabin neat. Brooms and dust pans are in each cabin.
Be mindful of the A/C or heat being left on, while you are gone for long periods. If it is quite hot, however, it is OK to leave the A/C run, because it takes a long time to cool off and it is more efficient.
Bugs may get in every now and then so please use a bug catcher provided to catch them and release them outside. Do not kill or harm them.
We have a washing machine on-site to use, if you need to wash clothes. Ask staff to show you how. Don't use powder in the machine. Do not wash rugs or other center items without asking first.
Should you need anything at all, we will supply it for you - just ask: Flashlights/Alarms, towels/washcloths, Clocks/pillows etc.
Please do not listen to music or read anything during your retreat. This is your time to discover your inner mind by being quiet. Your cell phones will be taken for safekeeping.
Bath House
The new Bath House has a big men's and women's bathroom. In the rear are 3 shower rooms-one with a bathtub. You may place your personal items on the shelves/drawers provided in the shower rooms. You can place your towel on racks there. You can pick on of the 3 shower rooms and place your things in there.
Please do not use any scented products while on retreat. No scented soaps or aftershaves, perfumes or oils should be used because this may disturb others when you are sitting next to them.
Our septic system is ok - you may flush every time and throw the toilet paper into the toilet. please, just go easy on the paper. We use septic safe one-ply to keep things running.
All of the products, like soap and shampoo, that are out in view and not in someone's bags, are free to use. We have plenty more soap and shampoo and toothbrushes and toothpaste and shaving materials. Just ask.
Dhamma Talks Etiquette
Please be on time for the 6:00PM talks. Go to the bathroom before-hand if needed.
Please remove your shoes before coming into the Dhamma Hall and leave outside.
Stand when the monk enters. Stand when he leaves - out of respect.
You may sit in the chairs while listening to talks or meditating. There is no "magic" in the floor. Chairs are good for long sits.
Please take your bathroom breaks before the talk begins. Do not leave after the talk starts without permission.
Dress Code – Do not wear tight or low cut clothing. Do not wear skimpy shorts or or tank tops - No tights please and avoid showing excessive skin. Women kindly please wear bras and cover up.
You are invited and urged to ask questions during the talks if you hear something you do not understand.
You may take written notes. No laptops please.
There will be a Q&A time at the end of each talk. You may also ask questions about your practice.
Dhamma Hall Meditation Etiquette
Please remove your shoes before coming into the Dhamma Hall.
Do not use timers. If your sitting is going well, sit longer. You can open your eyes to check the clock occasionally. We have placed clocks everywhere, so you can see the time.
Always follow our instructions and don't mix practices. This confuses the mind and slows down your progress.
Always sit for at least 30 min and walk 15 minutes to 45 min -longer walking periods will tire you out.
Do not discuss your meditation with other meditators- just the teacher at interviews.
Always give honest answers in your interviews so that the teacher can properly assess your progress and offer you the best advice.
Please let us know whether you are maintaining a Bodhisattva vow as it may affect your meditation. Video here
At night please don't turn off the lights in the Dhamma Hall while you are meditating. It will lead to sleepiness.
Last person out at night can turn all the lights off. Thankyou!
Critters - Should I worry? Nope!
We do not have any scary animals roaming around the center. They are all friendly. There are a few snakes that come out on very hot days but it is rare.
Please use your flashlight at night to avoid stepping on frogs or tripping on turtles!
If you go into the forest please use Bug Repellant especially on your legs and feet. Best to stay on gravel roads for walking.
There are almost no mosquitos so don't worry about that. There are some "no-see-ums" so stay out of the forest and don't walk too much on the grass or you might find yourself a little itchy and not sure why. There are some ticks in the deeper woods. Please use your bug catcher to remove bugs from your cabins at all times. No killing!
Exiting your Retreat
At the end of your retreat, on the last day, please prepare your cabin for the next person.
Empty your trash bag and replace it with a new bag.
Sweep your cabin and porch.
Bring your sheets, pillowcases, and towels to the laundry room (leave the blankets and mattress covers) and place them into the hamper. Please do not use the washing machines without supervision.
You have only paid your room and board. Dhamma Sukha gives you these teachings for free. At the end of the retreat you may offer Dana (Donations) for the teacher/center), in envelopes, to the teacher at either your last interview or following the last talk. When you offer Dana it is proper etiquette, to offer it with two hands, and have the happy thought that you are offering to the whole sangha with the Buddha at its head. The teacher receives the Dana as a representative of the Sangha. These are not personal gifts to one person. Dana supports the Center and monastics here. Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu! ( Well-done!)
Phew! Now that we have gone through all the Do's and Don’ts we are glad you have come to visit the center, and we hope you have a life changing retreat experience! You'll have all this down by the 2nd day - not to worry. May you attain Nibbana quickly and easily without delay!