TWIM-Con July 3-7, 2025
Retreat 7-7 to 7-13 w/Delson
Create and strengthen bonds in TWIM Worldwide
Discuss sustainability needs and growth opportunities
Global report of ongoing activities including future plans
Set up a shared vision for the future of TWIM principles and practices
Will be followed by a weeklong intense retreat with Delson
Visit completed Stupa Memorial to Bhante, Sister and U Silananda
Presentation by Delson Armstrong - special gift to the Stupa
Drink coffee and tea, eat good food, talk and laugh a lot.
Thursday, 7/3 ______________________________________________
12:00 to 5:00 pm Check In
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Session 1: Orientation: David Johnson / S. Jordan
Friday 7/4 ______________________________________________
6:30 Meditation
7:30 to 8:30am Breakfast
9:00am Session 2: End of an Era: Memorial stupa (video) and discussion: David
Session 3: Principles and practices of TWIM in accordance with Bhante's teachings: David
12:00PM Lunch
Session 4: DSMC activities future plans and programs, teacher training program: David / Kristen
Session 5: 10-Year journey from Buddha's Map to retirement from Easing Awake Sangha: Doug Kraft
Light Dinner
Session 6: Seeking Heartwood a personal journey film and discussion: Adam Eurich
Saturday 7/5: ______________________________________________
7:30 to 8:30am Breakfast
9:00am Session 7: Global activities: using an AI BOT for training: Koen Biggelaar
Session 8: Global activities: Ven Dhammagavesi TWIM in India (
Session 9: Brahmavihāra Meditation Center, New York and Bangladesh: Venerable Dr, Bhante Saccānanda,
Session 10: Activities at Peace House, Cambridge, MA: Venerable Bhante Kusala
12:00PM Lunch
Session 11, Start-up and running TWIM programs in California: S. Jordan / Nat Heidler
Session 11-1 Delson Armstrong - His website and activities - His 2024 review of TWIM happenings
Session 12, Karma and Money - Presented by financial advisor Cristof Ensslin
Light Dinner
Session 13 Global Activities: Program update Dhamma Sukha Indonesia: Brenda Ie-McRae CCHt, PLRt
Session 14: A Journey into the heavenly realms: David Johnson
Sunday 7/6______________________________________________
Session 15: Dhamma and conscious money: Cleona Lira
Session 16: Psychotherapy and cognitive therapy and TWIM: Cassandra Gearhart Ph.D.
12:00PM Lunch
Session 17: Data report on jhana study and science applications: Steven Zerfas, CEO, Jhourney
Session 18: Breakout group discussion topics and workshops to be announced.
Light Dinner
Session 19: Dana Talk/Closing session and celebration: David Johnson/ S. Jordan
Monday 7/7______________________________________________
7:30 – 8:30am Breakfast
8:30 – 9:300am Closing Session/Dana Talk
10:00am Departure
Monday PM 7/7 to 7/13__________________________________
Retreat with Delson
7:00 PM Introduction to Retreat