Venerable Obhasa
Venerable Obhasa is a long time supporter of DSMC & TWIM . She leads groups and retreats in the UK near London where she permanently resides. She also guides a Hong Kong and Malaysia group.

Venerable Obhasa
Venerable Obhasa is a Hong Kong-born Bhikkhuni in the Zen tradition originally. She is a postgraduate student of Buddhism in Taiwan, Buddhist & Pali studies in Sri Lanka, and Buddhist Counselling study in HK. She started following Bhante Vimalaramsi in 2015 in Indonesia and has seven years of meditation practice and many hours of teacher training in the USA with Bhante. Venerable was approved to be a qualified meditation teacher in DSMC in 2018.
The venerable has also conducted voluntary works in South East Asia. She has visited the elderly centers in Hong Kong, the women’s prison in Indonesia, and hospital sickness visits around Asia. Also, Venerable has been working closely for Hong Kong schools and has designed a series of meditation workshops for students, teachers, and parents. Her valuable input for the workshops has given the wholesome mind set for all teachers, parents, and students.
She spent three summers at the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center in Missouri practicing intense meditation and traveled in Indonesia and other places with Bhante Vimalaramsi.
She currently resides in the UK and conducts retreats and groups for TWIM students near London. She may be reached at Ven. Obhasa <ven.obhasa806@gmail.com>