Venerable Rev. Khanti Khema
UIBDS- Chairwoman and co founder of DSMC,
Educational Material Development, Editing of Books,
Teaching India - Current Mumbai, Ongoing online Meditation Student support
Brief Bio 1949-2023
An American Nun- Sasana Dipika Ven. Khanti Khema, (b.1949- ) ordination ( October 2006), Co-Founder of United International Buddha Dhamma Society (UIBDS) & Construction of Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center (DSMC) in Annapolis, Missouri, USA. Venerable lives fully committed to spreading Buddha Dhamma 24/7 for 20+ yrs. DSMC Past educational materials co-ordinator, Chair-person for UIBDS, leading + co-teaching worldwide residential retreats. Creating online retreat and teacher guidance training. Public Dhamma Talks. University workshops, peaceful living solution classes. Present: Asian Region Co-Director. Following in the footsteps of her Upacaya/spiritual mentor, Most Ven. Bhante Vimalarami Mahathero,
Venerable continues to research, practice, preserve, and teach Buddha Dhamma based on Sutta sources first, encouraging questions + testing of everything you hear. Presents a practice to interweave into life using 4 steps of Right Effort (samma vayama all the time. TWIM (6Rs) relieves daily suffering, purifies + retrains the brain to naturally change behavior patterns. We smile and live more peacefully with sharper mindfulness resulting in higher productivity. Attaining Path knowledge leads to Nibbana. “If there is any passion worthy to maintain, it is sharing this priceless, ingenious, simple practice for today’s world”. Currently, (2020) Venerable resides in the “Tiny DSMC ASIA Temple” in Uhlasnagar, Maharashtra INDIA (MUMBAI vicinity). Sponsorship by Most Venerable Ananda Mahathero, Abbot, Mahinda Temple. Sukhi Hotu!
Khanti Khema's Youtube channel for talks here