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Online Forgiveness Retreats

This will be your textbook!

Prerequisites- See at bottom 

Now offered online for free (donations gratefully accepted) a 8 day course which starts Friday Nights and goes until the following Saturday Morning. You will feel a sense of relief upon finishing this program. It incorporates Bhante's teachings on forgiveness with related and relevant talks on Buddhist concepts and is guided by David Johnson, a senior staff member at DSMC and author of  "The Path to Nibbana"

“There is no question that Forgiveness Meditation is part of Loving-Kindness Meditation development.   It is the first step towards Peace.”  bv -Intro

Online Forgiveness retreats are for people who may have found that their Metta or Lovingkindness has hit obstacles. You can't pull up that warm feeling of loving kindness; you are having self hatred or grudges are coming up against others when radiating Loving-kindness.   Practice Forgiveness and let these go, then move on with your TWIM meditation or your life in general. 


  • "I switched to metta today from forgiveness - Joy spontaneously came many, many times. I felt it blossom in waves. Felt quite peaceful as well."  TD Calif

Online Forgiveness Retreats offered          
'An Effective Method to Dissolve Blocks to Loving-Kindness and Living in the Present Moment'

Book - Guide to Forgiveness Meditation.j

Even if you are not interested in proceeding with Metta this meditation may be used to clear barriers from your past and enables you to learn how not to keep creating them. It uses the 6R's in the process of forgiving:

  • Yourself and the things you have done to others - as well have done to yourself

  • Others and what they may have done to you

As you forgive you will also learn the "6R's" to let go of hindrances as your mind starts to focus on deeper forgiveness. This is a unique process that Bhante has developed based on the Suttas only to remove and let go of craving and distractions. They are to recognize there is a distraction, release it, relax any tension that keeps you distracted, come back and re-smile into your practice and repeat and stay with your object of meditation.

From Bhante's Book
"...Apparently in some cases, if we do get into trouble, we can clear the runway for our Mindfulness of Loving-Kindness to take off by first learning to use Mindfulness of Forgiveness meditation.   This is an extremely powerful and cleansing practice. Forgiveness is a form of loving-kindness that really clears our mind of negative or unwholesome states. The reason this book came into being is because of the many questions teachers are asked about ‘why doesn't my Mettā arise easily?’.   It is because we need to forgive ourselves first before we can send out pure love to others. "

  • "My mum came to my mind, while I was walking. I forgave myself not to understand her, and take things personally, then I forgave her, for what she did and pain she caused to me during my childhood.

  • The first time she didn't apologize or say something.So I continued and repeated the process to forgive myself and forgive her. At the end I had the image that she was crying and apologized for what she did. I told her, I forgave her and I loved her. She forgave me too. My heart was very light after it."  F. L. Italy 3rd day

Having Difficulties with your meditation?

At the Easter Retreat in April 2015 of this year 1/3 of the students were placed on Forgiveness meditation for a period of time because Metta was not arising easily.  This practice cleared the old memories of past grudges and bad choices we have made that we still regret very deeply.  This practice brings it all to the surface and dissolves it and washes it away.   You use forgiveness and Bhante's Unique 6R practice to easily let go of your past and begin fresh.  People reported amazing results.

If you are ready for an experience that ends with a tremendous weight being lifted off your mind then please join us for this online experience.

  • "I started the forgiveness yesterday, I beautifully cried 5-6 times with lots of tears. Memories of my ex came up, from 7 years ago (I think the guy I fell in love with recently just reminded me of him). I had visions of us hugging and forgiving each other. Felt incredible release. 
    During last night meditation I felt light and loving, the same this morning. I started repeating "I forgive myself", but I didn't feel the need to forgive anybody, felt lots of metta. So I was just with this metta and it was easy, for may be 20-30 minutes." S. America

  • I can't thank you enough for yesterday's comments! It was so insightful and supportive, so full of strong Metta. I always have tear in my eyes when I read it. Yesterday I thought I was going to let you down when I submitted the report. But it turns out to be a wonderful lesson. Thank you for your Metta and wisdom.  Malaysia Retreater


The program involves listening to talks on Forgiveness by Bhante Vimalaramsi, reading his book and practicing daily the instructions by doing twice daily walking and sitting meditation. There will be relevant talks from the Buddhist suttas that are part of your video series. By the end of the course you should be able to pick up your Loving-kindness/Metta practice and continue down the path to awakening. If you are not doing Meditation then this is a great way to clear life's obstacles from your mind under the guidance of a meditation master.

Every day the student submits an online Webform to the teacher and reports his progress and experience.  Guidance is sent back and the student continues to go deeper.  This can be done at home, work or just shopping at the mall.  It is a contemplative exercise, and not so much a deep meditation process. We are trying to dislodge those things from  our past that are stuck deep in our mind which preventing real kindness to ourselves and others.

This program free but donations are appreciated to help support our programs.

Here is a quote from a student after the program completed: 

  • "Dear David, I started today to do Metta. It was nice actually.I felt joy and feeling of bliss very high in my heart. I was so surprised...I have felt joy in my heart this week. First time I think. Before I was feeling joy in the mind. But bliss state, never felt before in my heart and so high. Walking meditation was good. Nice to send love to people and feeling the heart with the feeling of loving  kindness. Thanks a lot of for that improvement.Your guidance and advice have been very good. Thanks David. ​Have a good time.See you soon." F. L. Italy

  • From Online Interview: Don't make things happen - allow memories and situations to arise on their own. Are you able to let things come to you vs. you go chase them? Are things coming up? People? Yourself? Situations? Please comment.
    "This evening sitting, I had my mother’s yellow-head Amazon parrot showed up for forgiveness, He showed up angry - when his eyes swirl that is he is angry. This is how he showed up then as I was forgiving him, his eyes became gentle; then I put him in my heart area and I really felt release and warmth feeling with joy radiated in me. After a while, I 6Rs-ed and return; he showed up again and forgave him and the feeling of warmth and joy was there. I was surprised to have the bird showed up." California

Prerequisite: You must have done an online TWIM or onsite TWIM retreat or be familiar with TWIM with practice at home. A good understanding of the 6Rs is a must. Forgive should be used if you are having problems with your Metta/TWIM meditation.  So, try a TWIM Online retreat first and then if it doesn't go well come back here to sign up.

          "Meditation is about positive change."

            ***Complete your application​ HERE   Dates Listed on Application              


Listen to the Forgiveness Booklet by Bhante Vimalaramsi below

Book - Guide to Forgiveness Meditation.j
00:00 / 1:02:03

Did you get any feelings of relief today. Any pleasant feelings like a little joy arising? Something that is related to this practice?
"There was much more joy today. Small amounts after forgiving an individual, other times there was a large amount of joy after forgiving a series of unpleasant feelings that arose. Most of the unpleasant feelings seemed less intense than yesterday. A few times large amounts of joy arose just by forgiving myself but without any unpleasant feelings arising beforehand. Sometimes I would feel a slight tingling sensation that would lead to a numbing effect on the whole body. Sometimes I noticed a nice golden light in my mind and a pleasant sweet smell. I also feel lighter and fresher." UK

Short Snippet on Forgiveness Meditation

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