Retreats in Missouri
Nine day Onsite Retreats
Intense Retreats on Zoom (Prerequisites)
Worldwide TWIM
Our Mission
awakening and elimination of unhappiness
July 4-13th 2024
Retreat with Bhante Kusala
***Chat Gpt - Now Free- Answers based on The Path to Nibbana and ALL of Bhante's & Delson Armstrong's books and the suttas.
Translations available for many languages
Latest Updates
Excellent Blog Post from August retreater Brian Plachta - He looks at how it can be done by anyone with any belief system, and bring joy into your life.
Metta is faster than breath. Short Bhante video created with AI software.
Video created from Created with AI
New Zoom talks with Delson Armstrong on the DO Links- NEXT LIVE TALK on Sep 1 here
Last retreat ended Aug 17th - Success! Next Sept 5th.
Tour of DSMC Posted by Kirsten HERE
July 4th Retreat Fireworks and end of retreat celebration at DSMC.
Delson Armstrong Zoom Fundraiser Online retreats - full.
Bhante's One Year death anniversary today June 27th. Zoom Video.
Teri Pohl, beloved TWIM Guide and teacher passed away May 17 peacefully in Northern California.
Take a drive around the Dhamma Sukha campus.
Easter Retreat in California announced with Delson Armstrong and other teachers. Express interest here. Signups to follow-accepting up to 50 people.
Updated Audio Reading of The Path to Nibbana using AI in David's voice. Note this is the updated published near the end of 2024. On Youtube and Podbean/all podcasts.
New video on TWIM from Frank Yang that goes into all aspects of the practice. Really fun and Interesting HERE.
Learn the TWIM practice here The complete Guide to TWIM!
Short Forgiveness Instructions is (6:40) here.
Posting Talk from May 5 on FORGIVENESS Zoom here.
Posting a playlist for all 8 fold Path Zoom Series here.
New Delson Short from Scott Britton.
Two new wonderful articles about Daniques TWIM 10 Day retreat experience. Part Two here
In depth testimonial video from the founder of the Awakenpedia.
David talking about forgiveness on GuruViking
Talk to a TWIM Guide in Zoom to ask your questions.
Dhamma Sukha is now Gluten Free. All dishes are gluten-free - if any other things are put out that have gluten they will be marked.
Access some of Delson's videos here.
Join DhammaSukha Groups message site.
Here is a science compilation of the merits of doing Metta!
Cessations of consciousness in meditation: Advancing a scientific understanding of nirodha samāpatti -Brain Study Released!
Are you in India? Get all our TWIM books from Amazon India!
Talk about TWIM on our talk site at
Have Questions about how to Practice? Watch and read the FAQ
Translated to Chinese: 'The Path to Nibbana' 涅槃之路
Keep Smiling
6R's key to Jhana
What is Jhana?
NEW: Get your Meditation Questions Answered!
Messages/Reviews - Dhamma Sukha
Forgiveness experience using Bhante Vimalaraṁsi's Method
"The Magic of Forgiveness" Blog post by John Munroe"
From a recent Google Review Apr 12, 2024:
This is an ***EXCEPTIONAL*** meditation retreat center. Please take it from someone who's explored spiritual teachings and sat oven a dozen meditation retreats over the last 10+ years. Their "TWIM" technique is gentle, simple, easy, efficient, and accessible. The teachers are compassionate, equanimous, attentive, generous, and highly qualified. The accommodations are comfortable. The vibe is laid back. The cost is shockingly affordable at a time when inflation is high. Go for it. Don't miss the priceless opportunity to visit, support, and/ or retreat at this precious place.
From a Online Retreat Survey we sent out
What can we do to improve your online retreat? Take a moment to reflect on your experience.
"My main motivation to attend this online retreat was to learn to balance meditation practise and other aspects of life. I've made some progress in physical retreats, but I've struggled with progress when practising at home. I hoped to get to lower jhanas and see how it affects my daily life at home and at work.
I was blown away with the result, I made progress to higher jhanas, the affect it had on my work and life at home was incredible and the joy and happiness I felt was astounding. Felt like a proper vacation :) Thank you this online retreat program."
From a Recent Online Retreat: Youtube comment Apr 11,2023
"It was interesting.... I forget that when I am on retreat for some reason, caffeine is much more powerful. So yesterday I had a cup of tea a little bit late in the day, and I didn’t fall asleep until 1 AM. Woke up at 530 and got to it...(sitting)
The bubbles were blue. Which I didn’t expect :-) At first, I thought they were disturbances and then, as I saw them again, or possibly for the third time (not sure) I suddenly realized what was happening, and simultaneously laughed and wept briefly.
Then sat in the relief and ease and let it settle. It was like I couldn’t get the smile off my face.
I went and had breakfast and then went for a walk. Still big smile, very high energy walking. Not rushing just high energy. And reflecting, as I was walking- And I was struck by a couple of things. First of all, how comparatively calm it was, as compared to the very first attainment several years ago, which was super intense. It was a lot more equanimity for the walk as well.
Also, how normal and natural it feels, and also felt when it happened. It was even in the midst of the smiling and laughter and brief weeping, it all just felt regular. And at the same time, I also noticed that when there were precursors to feelings and reactions that I know are common for me historically, I could feel them begin, and just disappear as I was walking along. It was a bit different than anything else.
BG SF. Cal.
"Wow! Got your book. It is a major contribution. What is Nibbana? What is the actual experience and how to achieve it... is in this book." TS-Springfield, MO.
The Path to Nibbana
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