Good morning/ evening (to you),
Just to let you know I had probably the best sitting of this retreat. As I sat, the mind went in to overwhelming strong metta. Just poured out from the head but also seemed to come from everywhere. I couldn’t shift it to equanimity and I soon stopped trying because it felt so right. 🙂🙂 I was smiling and filled with such joy. I sat there for long periods of time with only occasional hindrances (again they were mostly of a dhamma nature).
Then towards the end of the sitting there was a black-out I don’t really know how long for though it seemed short(?). All the senses, thought, awareness shut down. The first thing I was aware of was my left tympanic membrane. There was a subtle vibration I could feel it’s moment!
Then i heard a single note only in that left ear, then stop. And again a single note and stop. In fairly quick succession. This continued on with the silent gaps in-between getting shorter and shorter, till it was very close together like a blinking single note. Which got so close together that it APPEARED as a seamless single note that was continuous. A bit similar to the sound waves experience I had before the course started. (I wrote to David about that). This experience however was in far, far greater/ finer detail, clarity & precision.
A visual representation of this auditory experience would be: like the blips on a radar screen getting more and more frequent until it’s frequency presented itself as a single flat line. It didn’t last long and afterwards it left clarity and mental energy as a resultant. Not even relief this time.
NOTE: This seeing the links of Dependent Origination as sound -dj
Until this evening’s report,
Sri Lanka Meditator