I have started the Meta meditation and using the 6Rs, using Bhante's teachings .I have stopped doing maNtra meditation which I did for the last 3 years.I am doing Met a for my spiritual friend for 8 days now .and she doesn't appear to be benefitting from this in any way I can see.she has OCD and ADD , is it possible she doesn't want peace , and to be free of suffering ?I was made aware of something
that happened between her and another colleague .I ask myself why did I hear about this? Is this a sign to stop Meta efforts in my meditation ?Or is it there a spiritual struggling resistance to receiving peace and happiness ,Thanks for any advice .
Glad you are here with us! So, using the spiritual friend isn't really for the benefit of the actual person you are radiating the metta to... Though they do get some small benefit after some time.
Sending Metta to your friend is for you to develop collectedness so that you can make progress to the ultimate goal of Nibbana. This is just a simple method to allow us to develop lovingkindness for just one person. Then from there after you have shown the signs of progress of joy, happiness and equanimity starting to appear you will drop the Friend in lieu of sending metta to the 6 directions and then all around which will propel you into the deeper states.
So your friend will certainly feel something but I don't think it will cure any major disease for them. Now if they practice themselves this process they would certainly benefit!